My travels

It all started by traveling with my parents.  11 years to the Costa Brava, North of Spain: 10 times to La Escala.

And as of 6 years old with the youth organisation, 10 days on bivouac. With a hiking of a full day, and when older, 2 days including having to find a place to sleep. When the housing was limited, we slept in big army tents.

White cliffs in Normandie

Once 18, I embarked on an adventure on the bike with 2 friends and half a tent (due to weight).  Light weight tents and gear did exist, but were way to expensive back then.  One of my friends didn't even have gears (I had 3).

We started by train to the Belgium coastline, and from the last train stations in Belgium we started heading France.  Dunkirk industrial zone proved to be a challenge.  As a result we took the ferry to Dover.

Imagine the surprise when we phoned home from a red, square phone booth.  (Mobile phones didn't exist yet)  "Dover ? Thats not in France. What if you have difficulties !  We won't be able to come and get you easily."

India - Bombay - Hyderabad

My first real travel, together with a group, initially strangers, was a journey of preparation and directly intercontinental.  Not the normal luxury travel. I visited well-fare organisations.

Trips with the car & motorbike

With my sister I took a trip to the Mossele in Germany.  Sleeping in the trunk of the stations wagon.

Scotland, his sheep and mitches, will not forget me passing on my motorbike.  Likewise for the Moselle, Eifel and Alps (France and Germany).

When the kids grew up, the motorbike made space for a 4x4 Landrover Defender

Many trips, nearby, south of France and all the way to Portugal.  Plans to go to Morocco got forever postponed due to small kids, political situation and finally covid-19.  Safety first.

And the kids wanted to learn skiing (Switzerland and France).


Great way to travel with small kids.  All the basics on 4 wheels (room to play, food & drinks, bed, toilet).

Some of these travels can be found on Polarsteps BlkDfk


20140406 van Pyreneeen naar Braganca (3)

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Me exploring

Sunlight 2
